The New Woodland is three acres of the former playing field that was planted with young trees in early 2011 (it was an excrutiatingly wet day but the community turned out in force!) to make a typical mixed deciduous lowland wood, of the type that is becoming less and less common in Southern Britain.
As the trees mature they will sequester a significant amount of Carbon Dioxide and grow into a beautiful community woodland for all to enjoy!
Hazel Coppice
The Hazel Coppice is an acre of Hazel adjacent to the woodland, that will be coppiced once mature for fuel to heat the Hogacre Common Pavilion. Coppiced Hazel will also feed a charcoal burner on site to produce renewable fuel for sale locally.
Some branches have been used for hedge-laying round the Orchard.
Come and see how they’re doing – they’re great for hide and seek!