
CPRE grant 2019-20

Hogacre won £5000 for exciting new projects on site, in collaboration with Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE):
– improving access, including a wheelchair-accessible toilet in the Pavilion and a ramp into the Pavilion (before we start lobbying Network Rail again for ramped access on the bridge to the site – watch this space);

– information boards and seating across the site;

– trees to replace those lost to Ash-dieback, including food-producing trees and bushes to start a Forest garden;

– courses and teaching sessions. Community scything was held in June. Hedge-laying was held in December last year (see pictures below).

In October 2012 Hogacre Common Eco Park was honoured with the ‘Environmental Award’ for best environmental group or project at the Oxfordshire Community and Voluntary Action (OCVA) awards.